Hebrews 6:10- "For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love to him by caring for other believers, as you still do."
Who would have ever thought that love could be so much labour & even intense labour at times.
Well, I saw a prime example of this, this past week as so many from our church family worked diligently, worked hard to provide a delicious full course Thanksgiving meal for newcomers to our community and for folk that would have otherwise eaten alone, at home, if it were not for this wonderful endeavour! I observed firsthand, in a relatively short time, planning, setting up, purchasing food, cooking and serving & I cannot forget the big task of cleanup! It was wonderful! Young & old alike jumped in and made it a memorable day for everyone!
I saw families that have never experienced a Thanksgiving, smile, meet new folk and leave with a full stomach of deliciousness!
Was it easy work, did it only take a few moments, not on your life!
Was it time-consuming & a bit exhausting for these volunteers....you bet! Yet was it worth it? I know you would hear a big, resounding, "yes"!
Truly a labour of love...caring for others as they showed their love for Christ.
Thank you to everyone who displayed their love for Christ by serving others!